torek, 31. maj 2011

Letna razstava na Visoki šoli za umetnost

"V torek, 31. maja (danes), ob 20. uri vabimo vas in vaše prijatelje na zaključno razstavo študentske produkcije Visoke šole za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici in Šole uporabnih umetnosti Famul Stuart, v ljubljanskih prostorih obeh šol v podhodu Bežigrajskega dvora."

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četrtek, 19. maj 2011

Ljubljana, small town,with a big heart

Last month I did some photos for Eurocities photo contest. With photos I wanted to show the smallness of city Ljubljana in comparison to major cities of Europe so I used the technique called "Tilt-Shift" (because i do not own Tilt-Shift lens I employed a technique in post-production). However, Ljubljana is a small town that does not mean they do not have a rich history and can not offer the visitor a little more; kind people at the market, interesting and rich architecture and relaxed atmosphere. Photographs were taken in April in Ljubljana.

ponedeljek, 16. maj 2011

Red Bull "Tum Tum Pa"

I was so excited that I got this job with Red Bull to document the "Tum Tum Pa". Red Bull Tum Tum Pa is the first Freestyle Drumming Competition for students, so if you missed it than check it out next year, the price was realy good (trip to Rio).
Red Bull "Tum Tum Pa"