ponedeljek, 28. februar 2011

On the set of X-ray sunglasses photoshooting

A sneak peek behind the scene of X-ray sunglasses photoshooting. X-ray sunglasses are new sun glasses in Slovenia and will be on sale in march. I can tell u they are sick glasses. More info and pictures coming soon so stay tuned.

sončna očala xray

ponedeljek, 21. februar 2011

Skateboarding with Luka Zorec

Zorec asked me if I´m down for some photo shooting so we went to Urban roof but they didn˙t allowed skate boarders because of some BMX school. We went to skate park Rog and I think it was a successful shooting.

rider: Luka Zorc
trick: heelflip, nose slide
location: Ljubljana, Rog

torek, 15. februar 2011

Kulturni maraton gimnazije Koper

Univerza Nova Gorica naju je z Jašo Bukovec prosila, če bi se kot zunanja sodelavca in mentorja udeležila kulturnega maratona gimnazije Koper, kjer sva manjši skupini predstavila, kako se snema s kamero in kako se naredi video dokumentarec nekega dogodka.

Fotografije je priskrbel fotograf Jernej Filipčič (link: www.fotosfera.eu )

torek, 1. februar 2011

Trip to Zelenci

Me and my girlfriend went to Kranjska Gora for few days and we stop at spring of Sava Dolinka. I had my camera with and we were goofing around.