četrtek, 27. oktober 2011

Update and behind the scenes

So there was a lot of things going on since i have come back from Greece so I didn't have any time to update this blog but in next months i hope i will.

petek, 16. september 2011

Filmska trgatev in razstava Visoke šole za umetnost

Kulturni dom Grosuplje
Petek, 16. 9. 2011 ob 20. uri

Visoka šola za umetnost Univerze v Novi Gorici se predstavlja v Grosupljem. Na sporedu bodo kratki filmi in animacije, v predprostoru bo na ogled razstava.

torek, 14. junij 2011

Abstract figures

First it started as a weekend project for rainy days, but then something very interesting happened. Strange and amazing figures and shapes started to appear so I expand the series in search of abstract figures. Everybody sees something different in the pictures.

The series is for sale, the prints are in size 50x30 cm.  If you are interested and thinking of buying some fine art prints you can contact me for more info at
my e-mail: godecphotography [at] gmail.com.

ponedeljek, 6. junij 2011

Peacock bird (pav) on the roof

Because I am very busy right now, here is only one picture of peacock bird on the roof from Pula.